Glenn Pinsent
Educated to degree level in sociology, additionally with a commercial law degree. Post graduate qualifications held in risk & safety management, acoustic evaluation and education.
Extensive experience gained internationally in management within aviation. Currently working on projects as a behavioural analyst and safety advisor in software systems for the development of reporting apps. Previously held a senior faculty post in university education as a leader and developer of undergraduate programmes. Experience has included accreditation of degree programmes as both an evaluator and chairman of course review panels. Time additionally devoted to national research funding committees and allocation of resources to projects promoting safety. Branch committee member and chairman of Scotland branch of national professional association over a five-year period.
Experience brought to GRA is refined competencies in general management and board development to ensure successful operation of both the commercial and charitable enterprises of the organisation. This experience is proving invaluable in supporting the GRA teams and board during the unprecedented challenges of Covid-19.
Looking towards the future the strategy is a key feature of the GRA board action to ensure continuity of the charity serving the community and background education in sociology and demographics is proving immensely valued to support this.

Gillian Tarrant
I am a retired lady in my sixties, a mother and grandmother. After having my children at a young age I returned to my education and went to university as a mature student and qualified as a primary school teacher.
I decided not to teach but went into management in the manufacturing industry. I performed many roles including production planning, purchasing, personnel, bookkeeping and health & safety.
Ten years later I became a self-employed bookkeeper to small limited companies. After moving to Huntly in 2008 I worked in the local doctor’s surgery until my retirement in 2016.

Gaenor Berkin
Bio Pending.