Gordon Rural Action offers several befriending services, these include:
Phone a friend
One of our volunteers will phone once a week to check in and have a conversation.
In person befriending
We can offer some in person befriending, meeting up for a hot drink and a chat, attending groups with you and signposting to other community events.
Computer befriending
We are offering an in person service at our offices where we can help with basic ICT support such as creating or uploading documents, setting up an email or new device such as a smart phone or tablet, while having a hot drink and a chat.
Hospital Homecoming / prevention
This is a service for people who have recently been discharged from hospital, we can provide help with errands, some company or signposting. However we don’t undertake personal care such as washing or changing dressing and catheters and we cant administer medications.
If you are concerned someone you care about its at risk of being admitted to hospital we can also help people in the community with errands and companionship that may help prevent their admission into hospital. Not sure if we can help? Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
If you would like to access any of these services please complete the form below.